Commercial Electricity Plans for Schools and Churches
Learn more about how churches and schools can save money on their electricity bills with Choose Texas Power.

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Electricity for churches and schools

Keeping expenses low is a huge priority for churches and schools, which is why it’s important for administrators to find affordable business electricity plans for their buildings. Finding the right commercial electricity plans can help you keep your energy costs within budgetary needs while supplying your church or school with the power capabilities you need.

The average commercial electricity rate in Texas is currently 9.02 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh), according to the latest data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). This rate is significantly lower than the U.S. price of 12.68 cents per kWh. 

Choose Texas Power can help you find affordable energy rates and customized plans for your school or church. Our free online marketplace connects businesses of all sizes with cheap commercial energy options. Our site is easy to use. Call the number on your screen to speak with one of our energy experts about your options.

Understanding energy usage in churches and schools

Churches and schools have unique energy needs, typically because they have larger buildings, requiring more energy to heat, cool, and light each room. They also house large populations on a regular basis for classes, worship, and other events. According to the most recent EIA data, worship buildings account for 3% of all energy consumption in commercial buildings, while schools account for 13%.

On top of that, many schools and churches integrate tech into their teachings, meaning you need to have ample power capabilities in every room of your building. Therefore, finding business electricity plans to address your organization’s needs is essential.

Electricity plans and rates for churches and schools

To find affordable commercial energy plans, fill out our commercial energy form, and a Choose Texas Power energy advisor will be in touch to help you create a customized plan. Finding affordable energy solutions will help you save money to allocate your savings for other needs your church or school might have. 

Plan types

When shopping for affordable commercial energy plans, here are some of the most common plan types available:

  • Fixed-rate: With a fixed-rate plan, you lock in your energy rate for the duration of the contract. Many electric suppliers offer terms from one to three years. This helps schools and churches keep a steady energy rate to better anticipate their electric costs. Those enrolled in this plan type don’t have to worry about price hikes. You’ll pay an early termination fee (ETF) if you cancel a fixed-rate plan early. 
  • Variable-rate: Variable-rate energy plans provide customers with more flexibility — you can switch plans anytime you want without incurring an ETF. However, variable rates change month-to-month. When energy demand increases in your area, your rate could spike. Variable-rate plans can be useful if you want to take some time to shop around for plans or need flexibility. 
  • No-deposit: Many electric providers require a deposit when you sign up for service. If you don’t want your church or school to pay the upfront fee, you can sign up for a no-deposit plan instead. A common type of no-deposit plan is the prepaid energy plan. As you use energy, your balance depletes. Your supplier notifies you once you reach a certain threshold to top back up. 

Energy efficiency for schools and churches

When looking to save energy on building costs, you’ll first need to assess your energy usage and costs. Examine the last 12 months of energy bills to create averages for monthly usage and costs. This will give you a ballpark of your business’s energy needs to help you find the right plan.

You can also use this information to identify energy efficiency opportunities in your school or church for potential savings. There are several things you can do to lower your energy usage, such as: 

  • Receiving an energy audit: An energy auditor comes to your school or church and assesses energy usage and waste. They can make suggestions to lower your energy bill like updating your furnace, sealing door/window leaks, and upgrading to more efficient lighting fixtures. Many electric utilities offer energy audits as part of their services.
  • Educating visitors: Churches and schools can educate staff on energy conservation measures. Remind visitors to turn off lights and unplug appliances when not in use. You can pass out flyers or create an engaging email campaign. The goal is to encourage participation to help your school or church allocate savings for better programs and resources. 
  • Updating infrastructure: When the budget allows, make simple upgrades like caulking windows and doors, using LED light bulbs, and updating smaller appliances to energy-efficient ones. Many utilities also offer significant discounts to churches and schools for upgraded lighting, HVAC, and insulation. These adjustments can save you money in project costs down the line. 
  • Switching plans: If your energy bills are high, consider switching plans. Choose Texas Power can help you make sense of all your options fast to save time and money. All you need to do is fill out our commercial energy form or call the number on your screen to get started.