FAQs about Green Mountain Energy
What makes Green Mountain Energy unique?
All Green Mountain Energy plans are sourced from 100% renewable energy, such as wind and solar power. Enrolled customers can lower their carbon footprint while getting reliable electricity.
Is a renewable energy plan right for me?
For customers who care about the future, renewable energy is a great decision. Green energy sources such as wind and solar have a far lower carbon impact than fossil fuels. A Green Mountain Energy plan allows you to go green without the expense of installing solar panels on your home.
How does Green Mountain Energy compare to other electricity providers?
Green Mountain Energy scores a 3.5 out of 5 with Choose Texas Power. This provider excels in online accessibility but scores lower in plan options. Green Mountain Energy has operated in the energy industry since 1997, helping customers avoid more than 123 billion pounds of carbon emissions, according to its website. If you want to enroll in a 100% renewable energy plan, Green Mountain Energy has a strong history of providing plans sourced from clean energy.
What is the cheapest Green Mountain Energy plan?
In general, the longer plan terms typically offer the cheapest electricity rates. Green Mountain offers plans of up to three years, with most contracts lasting between 12 and 24 months. Energy rates vary based on where you live, so there’s no guarantee that one Green Mountain Energy plan will be the cheapest for everyone. Enter your ZIP code on this page to check current energy prices in your area.